栏目:GJC流量计 发布时间:2021-06-08 16:34

整套仪器包括: 电源, RS232 数据线,可以溯源的单点检测证书,通用支架附件,带内嵌泡沫的黑塑料箱,所有的附件都在泡沫的固定位置。清洗附件也随机专配的。
量程: 0.05-25ml
精确度: ±1%
重现性: ±0.5%
精确度: ±0.5%
读数休整时间: (±10%) 15sec @ 2 ml/min, 25sec @ 1 ml/min,45 sec @ 0.5 ml/min)
液晶显示: 4 位数字加三个静态符号
R232 数据输出: 6 位数字 XX.XXXX ml/min
最大分辨率: 示值 1μl, R232 0.1μl
尺寸: 138mm x 76mm x 45mm
重量: 320 克

The RS232 output allows the flowmeter to output data to any device fitted with an RS232 serial interface e.g. printer, terminal or personal computer. The unit is supplied with an RS232 cable fitted with a nine way female plug to connect directly to the COM port of a PC. By using the Terminal or Hyper-Terminal program supplied with MS Windows results can be collected and displayed or pasted into Excel or other programs to produce graphs or statistical analysis. The baud rate is internally switch selectable for 19200,9600,4800,2400,1200,600,300 baud with the option of sending a CR/LF after each reading. X-on / X-off handshaking is used.